Essential Guide to Battery Venting in Campervans: Safety First

When it comes to setting up your campervan, ensuring the safety of your battery installation is crucial. This guide covers the essentials of battery venting, helping you maintain a safe and efficient campervan environment.

Why Battery Venting Matters

Batteries can release gases during the charging and discharging cycles. Proper venting is necessary to prevent the buildup of potentially hazardous gases within the confined space of your campervan.

AGM Batteries: Venting is a Must

Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) batteries, commonly used in campervans, require venting if stored in the habitation area. AGM batteries can emit hydrogen gas, especially during overcharging, which can be dangerous if not properly vented.

Recommendation: Always vent AGM batteries to the outside of your campervan. This ensures any emitted gases are safely released into the atmosphere, reducing the risk of gas buildup and potential hazards.

Lead-Acid Batteries: Use a Gas Tight Battery Box

Traditional lead-acid batteries are known for emitting hydrogen gas, which can be highly explosive in confined spaces. Proper containment and venting are crucial for these batteries.

Recommendation: Lead-acid batteries should be kept in a gas-tight battery box. The box should have a dedicated venting system to direct any gases safely outside the vehicle. This containment prevents any accidental gas leakage into the campervan's living area.

Lithium Batteries: Current Venting Recommendations

Lithium batteries are increasingly popular in campervan setups due to their efficiency and long lifespan. Unlike AGM and lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries do not typically emit gases during normal operation.

Current Recommendation: Lithium batteries are not currently recommended to be vented. However, it's always a good practice to stay updated with the latest manufacturer guidelines and safety recommendations as technology evolves.

Best Practices for Battery Venting in Campervans

  1. Location: Install your batteries in a well-ventilated area, away from heat sources and direct sunlight.
  2. Ventilation: Ensure there is a clear and unobstructed path for gases to escape. Use vent tubes or hoses as necessary.
  3. Regular Checks: Periodically inspect your venting system for any blockages or damage. Ensure all connections are secure.
  4. Manufacturer Guidelines: Always follow the manufacturer's installation and safety guidelines for your specific battery type.


Proper battery venting is essential for maintaining a safe campervan environment. By following these guidelines for AGM, lead-acid, and lithium batteries, you can ensure that your campervan remains a safe haven on your adventures.

For more detailed information or specific installation queries, feel free to contact our support team or consult with a professional installer. Stay safe and enjoy your journey!