Comprehensive Guide to Lithium Leisure Battery Care for Campervans

Lithium leisure batteries are a fantastic choice for campervans, offering higher efficiency, longer lifespan, and lighter weight compared to traditional lead-acid batteries. Proper care and maintenance are essential to maximize their performance and longevity. This guide covers everything you need to know about storing, charging, and isolating your lithium batteries.

Why Lithium Batteries?

Lithium batteries are increasingly popular for several reasons:

  • Lightweight: Easier to handle and install.
  • Efficient: Provide more usable power compared to lead-acid batteries.
  • High intensity discharge: can cope with loads of up to 3000W no problem great for induction cooking, air fryers etc.
  • Long Lifespan: Can last up to 10 years with proper care.
  • Fast Charging: Recharge quicker, saving you time on the road.

Storing Lithium Batteries

Proper storage is crucial to maintaining your lithium battery’s health. Follow these steps to ensure your batteries stay in top condition during periods of inactivity:

  1. Charge to the Right Level: Store your batteries at around 50% to 60% state of charge (SOC). This level minimizes stress on the battery and helps prolong its lifespan .
  2. Cool, Dry Place: Store the batteries in a cool, dry location. Avoid extreme temperatures as they can damage the battery cells. Ideal storage temperatures are between 10°C and 25°C .
  3. Periodic Checks: Every few months, check the battery’s charge level. Recharge to 50%-60% if it drops significantly .

Charging Your Lithium Batteries

Proper charging practices are essential for maintaining your lithium battery’s health:

  1. Use a Suitable Charger: Ensure your charger is compatible with lithium batteries. Lithium-specific chargers regulate voltage and current to protect the battery (any of our Victron chargers will be fine here).
  2. Avoid Overcharging: Lithium batteries do not like being overcharged. All of our range has built-in Battery Management Systems (BMS) to prevent this, but always use chargers with overcharge protection too.
  3. Balance Charging: Occasionally, perform a balance charge to ensure all cells are equally charged. This can be done using a BMS-equipped charger.

PV Isolation (Solar Panels)

When using solar panels to charge your lithium batteries, proper isolation and management are crucial:

  1. Install an MPPT Charge Controller: Always use a charge controller between your solar panels and the battery. This device regulates the voltage and current coming from the panels, preventing overcharging .
  2. Monitor Charge Levels: Regularly monitor your system to ensure it is working correctly. Victron's Smartsolar controllers offer offers the Victron connect app to track charge levels in real-time .
  3. Disconnect When Not in Use: If your campervan is not in use for an extended period, disconnect the solar panels to prevent unwanted battery drain or overcharging. This should be done using a correctly rated PV isolator switch (we have these in our online shop). 

General Tips for Battery Care

  • Avoid Deep Discharges: Try not to let your battery drop below 20% SOC frequently, as deep discharges can reduce its lifespan.
  • Inspect Regularly: Check your battery and connections regularly for signs of wear or damage.
  • Clean Connections: Ensure the battery terminals and connections are clean and free from corrosion.


Caring for your lithium leisure batteries properly will ensure they provide reliable power for all your campervan adventures. By following these storage, charging, and PV isolation tips, you can maximize their lifespan and performance.

For more detailed advice and battery options, feel free to contact our team or visit our online shop.